Thank you very much for your visit, attention and interest! You are welcome! By solving your urgent scientific and life problems, Universal Life Creativing with the hierarchy of my own ingenious universal sciences (with a lot of new doctrines, theories, and methods) could help you. Universal (over)infinity, wholeparting, (dis)continuity, philosophy with logic, mathematics (mega-overmathematics), metrology and naturology with physics namely exactly distinguish and measure potential and actual infinities and any invented overinfinities with discovering the uniparticle nature, essence, structure and composition of continuum, space and time, completely solved Zeno's paradoxes for the first time in almost 2500 years and gave universal methods of improving fundamental physical constants such as the gravitational constant and the elementary charge. Universal deformable solid mechanics, as well as strength of materials, objects and systems, discovered new phenomena and the hierarchy of the first universal strength laws of nature. Universal necessarily and exclusively constructive creativity, psychologic (with psychology and pedagogy of creative development, achievement and lucking, philology, management, sociology, and healing), as well as ingenuity (with feat, inventiveness, engineering, transformation, cognitivity, psychocoherence, multilingualism, geniusology as universal science of genius, lifepsychoanalysis and lifepsychosynthesis without any restrictions of psychoanalysis and psychosynthesis) also developed a lot of principally new universal doctrines, theories and methods for successfully solving especially complicated types of urgent scientific and life problems with person and society development. I sincerely wish you health and wealth, success and good luck! Ph. D. & Dr. Sc. Lev Grigorevic Gelimson


© Lev Gelimson


Ph. D. & Dr. Sc.,

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Highest Attestation Commission

"Inventor of the USSR"

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Unilifecreativing: Uniworldview, Uni(self-)development, Unicommulticreativity
Unicommulticreativity: Unicommultiartistry, Unicommultilingualism, Unicommultiscientism
Unicommultiscientism: Own Ingenious Universal Science System Hierarchy: Discovering Actually Infinitesimal Uniparticles of Continuum, Space and Time, Phenomena and the First Strength Laws Hierarchy; Inventing Exact (Over)Infinities Measures; Solving Zeno's Paradoxes; Unimethodologies of Weighted Best Data, of Self-Exactness, -Precision, and -Errors, of Improving Fundamental Physical Constants:
I. Uni(over)infinity: Unimathematics, Unimetrology
II. Uninaturology: Uniphysics, Unimechanics, Unistrength
III. Uniphilosophy: Uniontology, Unignosiology, Unilogic, Uni(dis)continuityUniethics, Uniaesthetics, Unicognitology
IV. Unipsychology: Unilifepsychocoherence, Unilifepsychoanalysis, Unilifepsychodiagnostics, Unilifepsychohealing, Unigeniusology
V. Unipsycholifecreation: UniphilologyUniingenuity, Uniengineering
. Unimanagement: Unipedagogy, Unisociology